Talent Pipeline Management (TPM)

North Carolina faces a critical shortage of healthcare professionals and personnel. The NC AHEC system, in partnership with the NC Center on the Workforce for Health and the NC Chamber Foundation, are committed to eliminating these shortages and building a sustainable, statewide talent pipeline.

The partnership between the AHEC system, NC Center on the Workforce for Health, and the NC Chamber Foundations is a statewide solution designed to address the healthcare workforce challenges. Regional employer-led collaboratives use real time data to align efforts among employers, training partners, and community partners to address the talent gaps in our region.

Area L AHEC is using the Talent Pipeline Management (TPM) framework, a proven workforce development strategy from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, to address the needs in our region. Regional TPM Managers collaborate with employers to collect workforce demand data, guide talent pipeline development, and align training with industry needs. Regional Managers are forming local collaboratives of employers who will provide their own real-time workforce demand data to guide the implementation of better talent pipelines. By engaging directly with employers, the alliance better defines and aligns talent demand, making recruitment and retention more targeted and efficient.

  • Lead regional efforts to address workforce gaps.
  • Track and analyze regional health workforce data.
  • Collaborate with employers, educators, and training providers.
  • Work collectively on immediate and long-term solutions to the talent shortage.
  • Share insights and address statewide policy barriers.

For more information on the NC Center on the Workforce for Health, visit nciom.org/nc-center-workforce-for-health, and for more information on the NC Chamber Foundation visit ncchamber.com/foundation/overview.

To get engaged and learn more about the work being done in our region, contact Julie Robinson, Area L AHEC Regional Talent Pipeline Manager, at Julie.robinson@arealahec.org.