The goal of the Health Careers service line is to increase the supply and distribution of healthcare professionals, with a special emphasis on the recruitment and retention of under-represented minority and disadvantaged students. Area L AHEC offers a variety of opportunities to students in the Edgecombe, Halifax, Nash, Northampton, and Wilson counties that are aimed to foster interest and develop skills related to health careers. We work with local partners and community organizations in providing practical information to assist students in making informed decisions about potential careers in healthcare.
The Wilson Education Partnership (WEP) has partnered with Area L AHEC to provided high school students in Wilson county the opportunity to participate in a volunteer program that gives them hands-on experience in a community healthcare facility. Each semester, students learn about health careers by shadowing various health care professionals in their workplace setting. Upon completion students will receive a certificate.
Health Careers Awareness for Educators and Students Week
The program is planned as a four-day intensive course where participants will have the opportunity to visit and tour health care organizations within the region. The course is designed specifically for high school students interested in pursuing a career in health and/or science, and educators who provide career counseling or support services to students. Upon attending all four days, participants will be awarded 2.0 units (20.0 contact hours) of teacher renewal credits. If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Blake.
The NC AHEC Passport Program offers students one central avenue to document and collectively report all their health science, community service, and leadership activities as early as the 8th grade.
By participating in the Passport Program students have the unique opportunity to gain academic and enrichment hours toward a Certificate of Completion that is recognized by academic institutions and employers that sets you apart from other students in an increasingly competitive environment. If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Blake.
Youth Health Service Corps (YHSC) is part of a national program The Area L AHEC YHSC is currently offered at individual high schools. High school students attend volunteer training and then complete service learning projects that relate to vulnerable populations in the community.
Students receive the YHSC National Community Service Award for 20 hours of service. If you are interested in bringing YHSC to your high school or receiving more information contact Jordan Blake.