Practice Support

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AMH, PCMH, MIPS, MACRA, QPP, CIN, ACO, … Is the alphabet soup getting harder to digest? We can help.

Healthcare practices in America face many challenges. These challenges are particularly impactful on small, rural practices, which typically have fewer resources to assist them in improving health outcomes for their patients. Area L AHEC’s Practice Support Consultants (PSCs) are trained to work with you to transform the way in which care is delivered in your practice. Area L AHEC PSCs will provide on-site training and assistance on the tools and systems you need to 1) provide consistently high quality care to all patients all the time, 2) complete today’s work today, and 3) prepare your practice for value-based payment initiatives.
PSCs can help you
  • Review your practice’s data to compare with national guidelines for chronic illnesses such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, CVD, asthma, and diabetes
  • Use reliable, robust data to drive patient care
  • Establish policies and procedures to sustain improvement
  • Develop patient self-management tools and training
  • Build patient-centered care teams
  • Meet requirements of MOC, NCQA, and payer-based programs
Health Information Technology (HIT) Area L AHEC Practice Support Consultants can assist your practice to select, implement, and meaningfully use an EHR to improve patient outcomes and patient/staff satisfaction and to meet the needs of quality initiative reporting. Provider Transition to Medicaid Managed Care NC AHEC has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and Division of Health Benefits to help transition healthcare providers to Medicaid Managed Care. We are providing on-site comprehensive Medicaid Managed Care education and assistance to healthcare providers across the state. More information and resources are also available on the NC Medicaid website for providers.

Medicaid Managed Care Webinar Series for Providers

NC AHEC Advanced Medical Home Webinar Series

NC HealthConnex NC HealthConnex is the state designated health information exchange that will enable you to more effectively manage population health and clinical outcomes. Let us help you navigate this platform and new features as they roll out. With NC HealthConnex, you can access your patients’ comprehensive records across multiple providers and review labs, diagnostics, history, allergies, medications, and more. You can eliminate duplicative testing, make more efficient and accurate diagnoses, and improve coordination across all levels of care. More information and resources are available on the NC Health Information Exchange Authority website.

NC HealthConnex Training & Resources for Providers


NC AHEC Practice Support Flyer

For more information, email Shannon Cambra.
If you are planning a program, would like to be a speaker, or seeking continuing education credit, please email us or contact us at 252-972-6958.