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Area L AHEC provides a number of services and educational programs for dental professionals. Working through the Area L AHEC Dental Advisory Committee, which includes a representative from each county in the region, AHEC provides a series of continuing education events for area dental personnel. These events are generally structured for clinical training, are three hours in length, and are held in a central location.
Area L AHEC staff support dental professionals in our region by:
- Developing continuing education programming for the oral health discipline
- Offering technical assistance, consultation, and information services to enhance dental care delivery
- Providing clinical educational opportunities for dentists and dental auxiliaries
- Providing a resource person for dental health issues
- Offering the AHEC intraoral radiography training course for office-trained dental assistants (40 hours of didactic and hands-on training) twice per year
NC State Board of Dental Examiners
UNC at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry
For more information, email Amanda Smith.